Charles James Fox

Charles James Fox -


Birthday: January 24th , 1749
Married to: Elizabeth Armistead since 1795
Political party: Whig
Current city: Westminster, England
Mother: Lady Caroline Lennox
Father: Henry Fox


Due to the strains and battles that we fought throughout the American war of Independence, I was appointed to Foreign Secretary and quickly became a well-known statesman.

Many said they always knew I would age and become a politician.  Sincere appreciation is directed towards my good friend and loyal supporter Georgiana, the Duchess of Devonshire, for devoting her time into creating a campaign to support my efforts as a member of the Whig party here in Westminster. 

Addressed to the members of the Whig Party of Westminster,

Although my term in parliament lasted but a mere year, I genuinely hope my supporters have recognized my efforts to abolish slavery. 

Charles J. Fox


''Kings govern by popular assemblies only when they cannot do without them.''

-Charles James Fox (1749-1806)
British Whig politician


September 14, 1806

To the friends and family of my beloved Charlie,

A service will be held on September 17th at the Westminster Church located at 201 Regent St, London, Greater London W1B 4NA, UK to celebrate the life and mourn the death of Charles James Fox.  Our dearest Charles passed away yesterday, September 13th and will be greatly missed.

Elizabeth Armistead


Elizabeth Armistead survived her husband and passed only in July of 1842.

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